The new nationwide Institute of Skills and Technology should be in place from the end of 2022 – until then, Primary ITO will continue to manage training for landscapers
At the start of 2019, the Government began its Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), aimed at creating a system fit for the future of work, delivering the skills learners and employers need.
At the heart of the reforms is the creation of Te Pūkenga – a new nationwide New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, with the country’s existing 16 regional polytechnics as subsidiaries.
For many years, Industry Training Organisations such as Primary ITO have had a vital role in arranging training, setting standards and designing training programmes. This will continue during RoVE. Over the next two years, Primary ITO will work more closely with Te Pūkenga in designing training programmes, and arranging training and apprenticeships. From the end of 2022, Primary ITO anticipates operating as part of Te Pūkenga.
When to train
According to Primary ITO, now is still the best time to train. The Government has promised that learners will be able to finish their qualifications uninterrupted during the education reforms, and is working closely with education authorities on a transition plan into Te Pūkenga, which will ensure that trainees’ learning will continue under the new agency. So, any training begun with Primary ITO will still be able to be finished.
Following the impact of Covid-19, the Government is also paying for the fees for trainees and apprentices enrolling with Primary ITO (and subsidising the employer to pay the apprentice, in many circumstances, as outlined in Issue 3 of NZ Landscaper).
Over time, the intent behind the changes is that trainees and employers will get the benefit of a vocational education system that integrates on-the-job learning within a full-time study programme.