As the last issue of 2022 goes to print, it’s time to reflect on the past 12 months, plan for the future, and congratulate the Landscapes of Distinction and Young Landscaper of the Year award winners!
At RML, one of the most significant ways in which we’re planning for the future is through the creation of our five-year strategic plan. All of our members should have received this with the AGM documentation – if you didn’t, please reach out.
Speaking of the AGM, for those who couldn’t attend we will host a webinar before Christmas to present the strategy in detail and provide an opportunity for members to connect with the Board on the proposed initiatives.
This year has seen considerable success for RML, including:
A revamp of regional meet-ups to make them more useful to members.
A continuing increase in membership applications (we are appointing an additional assessor for each region to speed up processing time).
Our largest Landscapes of Distinction awards night, with over 230 attendees at the gala dinner.
A highly successful Young Landscaper of the Year competition.
Our success, especially in relation to these events, would not be possible without valued industry support. You can read all about the Young Landscaper of the Year awards on page 18, and on page 20 those who made it all possible – our valued sponsors.
These young landscapers have to start somewhere – for many, that gateway to the industry was via Primary ITO. Its merger with other training providers to form the ‘mega ITO’ Te Pūkenga and what it means for learners is discussed on page 25.
In closing, thank you to our members for your continued support and commitment. I hope you and your families enjoy a safe, relaxing Christmas that prepares you for a prosperous 2023.
Mere Kirihimete (Merry Christmas)!