It’s now easier than ever to control your clients’ lawns and keep gardens free of pests, thanks to ACELPRYN® GR insecticide. Read on to find out how it can help!
ACELEPRYN® GR Insecticide provides unmatched, season-long insect control in a single application and is now available in a convenient and flexible granule formulation – ACELEPRYN® GR.
The length of insect control means your clients’ lawns, gardens and pot plants will be protected for longer. This new no-spray option means it is easy to use, with minimal disruption to anyone in the vicinity when you are applying the product. ACELEPRYN® GR controls a wide range of insect pests, including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, New Zealand grass grub, Crane Fly Larvae and Billbugs. It will also keep several species of caterpillars in check, including Porina, Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm.
ACELEPRYN® GR is available in 10kg bags and 4kg buckets.
The granule formulation offers benefits such as:
Up to six months’ protection against pests.
Ease of use with no re-entry periods, meaning it can be applied knowing pets and kids can play on the treated area straight afterwards.
High turf and plant safety – you won’t burn the leaves!
Low environmental impact.
In addition, ACELEPRYN® GR delivers:
A flexible option for tight or difficult-to-access areas around home lawns and gardens.
Ease of use without messy spray equipment, requiring minimal PPE.
Ease of activation with irrigation – starts working once washed in via rainfall or irrigation. ACELEPRYN® GR is easy to use and can be spread in any handheld spreader. Once you calibrate your equipment, you can be confident that you are applying the desired product rate and minimising off-target application, while saving time and money in any situation.

For more information visit syngentaturf.co.nz or contact your local Syngenta agent.