Permcon permeable concrete offers a perfect compromise for those seeking hard surfaces without intensifying the ‘heat island’ effect
According to NIWA¹, NZ temperature extremes are happening far more often than expected. In the decade up to 2022, there were on average four to five times more extreme high temperatures than would be expected in a climate with no long-term warming. This is backed by Stats NZ², which reported that eight out of the 10 warmest years ever recorded in New Zealand up to 2022 were within the previous decade.
When creating cooler outdoor spaces to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures, landscapers have several strategies to call on. These include constructing shaded areas, creating cool microclimates through planting, and minimising the effect of ‘heat islands’ by reducing hard surface areas.
In urban environments, temperatures can be up to 7°C warmer than in rural areas due to the ‘heat island’ effect – this is where built-up areas retain more of the sun’s heat than surrounding areas due to their high density of concrete surfaces.
The reality is that many clients want or need hard surfaces for different parts of their landscapes, usually for driveways and paths. In this scenario, Permcon offers an ideal solution – because using permeable concrete for hard surfaces reduces the heat island effect.
How does it work?
Permcon permeable concrete allows stormwater to pass through the top-wearing course (your traditional concrete surface) and be stored in the open grade basecourse beneath, reducing the urban heat sink by storing and releasing water into the environment through evaporation.
The stored water can also replenish the natural ground aquifer by infiltrating the sub-grades, or be discharged to the stormwater network via drains in a measured and controlled manner, reducing the peak flows of a storm event.
In essence, it replicates a green fields environment, acting as a passive filtration system to allow stormwater to find its natural path to either the aquifer or local streams and rivers and improving water quality at the same time.
See for yourself
To better understand how Permcon permeable concrete negates the heat island effect normally caused by hard surfaces click here!